Adults and Vision Therapy: It's Not Just for Kids

The eyes receive visual information and communicate with the brain to translate stimuli into images. They are complex organs that use muscles for various functions. Sometimes, the eyes do not work as effectively as they should. Therefore, an individual requires vision therapy. Vision therapy does not involve correcting refractive errors like myopia and hyperopia. 



Getting Vision Therapy 


Vision therapy helps the eyes to communicate better with the brain. It helps them function well together and improves focus. Vision therapy involves a series of personalized eye exercises. These help to improve the patient's visual skills. Improving communication between the eyes and brain helps to enhance visual skills. 


A custom-designed treatment program can involve exercises and vision devices such as eyeglasses. In some cases, eye surgery can help to correct certain conditions. Vision therapy can help to treat a wide range of visual conditions. 



Vision Therapy for Adults


Most people assume vision therapy is just for children. The truth is that it can be very effective for adult patients. Adults are often more motivated during therapy, which usually yields better results. 


When they understand the process and see initial results, they are highly determined to improve their visual skills. They also have the energy required to overcome obstacles. The brain remains flexible and dynamic throughout an individual's life. Its ability to change, adapt, and modify (neuroplasticity) makes vision therapy effective for adults. 



Conditions Vision Therapy Treats 


Vision therapy can help to treat conditions, including:


  • Amblyopia

  • Strabismus

  • Convergence insufficiency

  • Eye tracking issues


Vision therapy for adults is effective, but it often takes longer to attain optimum results. Training the eyes to work together helps to achieve clear and comfortable vision. The duration of treatment depends on how fast the visual system learns the required skills. 



Ideal Candidates for Vision Therapy 


Various adults can benefit from vision therapy. They include:


  • Individuals who have suffered head trauma or brain injury (TBI)

  • People with a learning disability diagnosis

  • People with computer vision syndrome from prolonged computer use

  • Individuals who experience double vision

  • Individuals who have difficulty reading small print or looking at small objects

  • Athletes who need to improve their visual skills on the field


Individuals who experience eye strain and those who want to improve their vision naturally can benefit from vision therapy. Adults with undiagnosed or untreated vision issues can benefit from therapy. It can help to improve work performance and daily activities.



Effectiveness of Vision Therapy



The therapy’s effectiveness depends on various factors. Some include the patient's eye condition and the professional's skills. The therapist you see can determine the results you achieve. A comprehensive eye exam helps to determine if you are an ideal candidate for vision therapy. 


Effective programs include treatments for accommodating (focusing), eye tracking, visual gaze (fixation), hand-eye coordination, 3-D vision, and more. Visual exercises help patients to maintain healthy vision. 


Eye strain can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, making it difficult to learn or work. Eliminating or reducing the effects of eye strain can protect or preserve eyesight. Vision therapy is like physical therapy for the eyes. It is not a lifelong treatment. The new skills work automatically after re-educating the visual system and eye muscles. 


For more information on adults and vision therapy, visit Ciotti Eye Care at our office in Riverview, Florida. Call (813) 212-7400 to book an appointment today. 

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